e-Privacy page - Bongae.com
Quando visiti qualsiasi sito web, questo può memorizzare o recuperare informazioni sul tuo browser, principalmente sotto forma di cookie. Queste informazioni potrebbero riguardare te, le tue preferenze o il tuo dispositivo e vengono utilizzate principalmente per far funzionare il sito come ti aspetti. Le informazioni di solito non ti identificano direttamente, ma possono darti un'esperienza web più personalizzata.
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You will soon receive a confirmation email. We will soon get back to you as to your request.
A problem occurred.
Your request was not verified. Please try again and if problem persists, contact store owner for assistance
Thank you for your request!
If you are registered as a customer of this store, you will soon receive an email with instructions on how to proceed.
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Your request was not submitted. Please try again and if problem persists, contact store owner for assistance
Cookie Policy Consent
You have not consented to the cookie policy of this website.
You have already consented to the cookies policy of this website.
You must login to make data requests below.
Access to Personal Data & Data Portability
You have the right to be able to access your personal data at any time. This includes your account information, your order records as well as any GDPR related requests you have made so far.
Data Rectification
You have the right to request a rectification of your data whenever you think it is appropriate.
Right to be Forgotten
Use this option if you want to remove your personal and other data from our store. Keep in mind that this process will delete your account, so you will no longer be able to access or use it anymore.